Nature’s Decorum (A Cascade Poem published in The Avocet) Deep in the woods, I let go of proper decorum. Distant neighbors will not hear me howl. As the moon sends forth her magic beams, Diana drives her chariot across the sky. No one will see me dance with wild abandon as morning star Venus sends forth her light or evening star Venus greets the crescent moon. Deep in the woods, I let go of proper decorum. Coyotes celebrate the moon and become song dogs. Domestic dogs may join with yaps of memory as silent Sirius faithfully follows Orion skyward. Distant neighbors will not hear me howl. Fancy seizes me on active, sleepless nights. I sit on my porch and watch the dipper rise, seek the bear in stars made faint by city lights. As the moon sends forth her magic beams. I imagine druids dancing beneath the oaks as friends gather at a fire with drums and chants. Sun and moon strike stones of distant lands, and Diana drives her chariot across the sky.
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Nature’s Decorum (A Cascade Poem published in The Avocet) Deep in the woods, I let go of proper decorum. Distant neighbors will not hear me howl. As the moon sends forth her magic beams, Diana drives her chariot across the sky. No one will see me dance with wild abandon as morning star Venus sends forth her light or evening star Venus greets the crescent moon. Deep in the woods, I let go of proper decorum. Coyotes celebrate the moon and become song dogs. Domestic dogs may join with yaps of memory as silent Sirius faithfully follows Orion skyward. Distant neighbors will not hear me howl. Fancy seizes me on active, sleepless nights. I sit on my porch and watch the dipper rise, seek the bear in stars made faint by city lights. As the moon sends forth her magic beams. I imagine druids dancing beneath the oaks as friends gather at a fire with drums and chants. Sun and moon strike stones of distant lands, and Diana drives her chariot across the sky.